Managing Your Schedule as a Multi-Season Athlete: Kurtis Gubnitsky

Kurtis Gubnitsky is an athlete of many talents and interests. Sports that Kurtis Gubnitsky plays and enjoys are vast in number, and these include basketball, soccer, lacrosse, flag football, tackle football, track and field, and cross country running. Between playing so many sports and also being involved in community service and interning with the renewable energy company PetroAlgae, Kurtis Gubnitsky has had to learn how to manage his schedule to a T.

Proper time management for students who are also athletes is key when it comes to juggling all the commitments that come along with playing the game and also staying on top of schoolwork, notes Kurtis Gubnitsky. One of the most important things you can do as an athlete who is also in school is, according to Kurtis Gubnitsky, take your homework with you when you are on the road to and from games. There is some downtime when traveling for games, believe it or not, and Kurtis Gubnitsky believes that it is extremely important to ensure that you make time for homework and other commitments.

Of course, when you are an athlete for many seasons one after the other, then it can be even more complicated to manage these commitments, says Kurtis Gubnitsky. This is because you as a multi-season athlete do not get any time of year that quiets down – there is always something going on with the sport realm of your schedule. Kurtis Gubnitsky notes that if you can arrange your schedule so that you have classes on fewer days, that is an excellent way to make sure that you continue to have plenty of time to fit in all your various obligations.

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Posted by on November 5, 2013 in Athlete, Runner, Sports



Kurtis Gubnitsky: How to Get Into Shape for Football

Kurtis Gubnitsky is an all-start athlete with his hands in a number of different disciplines. One such sport is football, where Kurtis Gubnitsky has participated in both tackle and flag football. Kurtis Gubnitsky has plenty of excellent advice for those young people who are hopeful about playing football.
When you want to get involved with a sport like football, it is extremely important to remember that you need to make sure that you are in shape first so that you will feel and perform your best when you play, notes Kurtis Gubnitsky.
One of the best ways to get started with getting in shape for football is to make sure that you know what position you want to play, says Kurtis Gubnitsky. This is because football is a very diverse field that requires a lot of different types of skill sets. For example, if you are playing on offense, then Kurtis Gubnitsky knows that you need plenty of strength in your legs to be able to block people and also to train for speed.
On the other hand, if you are planning on becoming a half back, Kurtis Gubnitsky notes that you should be training for speed and agility but also for excellent awareness of everything that is happening around you. If you are a receiver, on the other hand, then Kurtis Gubnitsky says it is important to train for speed and ability. And with all of these aspects of the sport, notes Kurtis Gubnitsky, you need to make sure that you know how to fall and be thrown around without sustaining injury.

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Posted by on November 2, 2013 in Athlete, Runner, Sports



All About Track and Field Events: Kurtis Gubnitsky

Kurtis Gubnitsky, an experienced cross country and track and field distance runner, is a huge advocate of running as one of the best ways to get your exercise. Of course, Kurtis Gubnitsky also knows that track and field does not just include running. There are a number of other events that you can participate in as a track and field athlete, and Kurtis Gubnitsky is here to talk about these events.

Kurtis Gubnitsky is particularly disposed to distance running with an excellent time record for the 5,000 meter run. Other running events in the track and field discipline include sprints and middle distance runs, hurdle runs, and even relay races with the rest of the track and field team. Of course, there are other types of track and field events, according to Kurtis Gubnitsky, because the running events largely take place on the track itself, but there are also field events.

Track and field is a discipline that focuses on jumping as well as running. Kurtis Gubnitsky enjoys events such as the long jump and the triple jump. Even more intensive is the pole vault event, where the athlete uses a pole to launch himself or herself over a bar.

Finally, Kurtis Gubnitsky notes that track and field involves a number of throwing events as well. For example, the shot put, hammer throw, discus throw, and javelin throw are all events on the track and field that involve throwing. Kurtis Gubnitsky also enjoys the combined events that integrate a number of different areas of the track and field discipline.

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Posted by on October 30, 2013 in Athlete, Runner, Sports



Kurtis Gubnitsky: Great Forms of Renewable Energy

Kurtis Gubnitsky is a huge advocate of renewable energy efforts in the United States, especially as a former intern for the company PetroAlgae, which since his involvement has become Parabel. According to Kurtis Gubnitsky, renewable energy efforts are an excellent way to not only help save the planet but also to create jobs. Here are some of the best forms of renewable energy according to Kurtis Gubnitsky.

  • Solar. According to Kurtis Gubnitsky, there is a reason that most people think about solar energy first when they consider the renewable properties of energy. This is because solar energy is a direct form of renewable energy which is a great way to provide heat and light to both homes and commercial buildings, says Kurtis Gubnitsky. Additionally, solar energy can even be used to generate electricity.
  • Wind. Kurtis Gubnitsky believes that the use of wind turbines for harnessing energy is an excellent way to incorporate renewable energy into the American grid. Kurtis Gubnitsky knows that energy gleaned from the wind can be used for all the above types of energy needs, but especially for generating electricity.
  • Biofuel. During his time at his internship at PetroAlgae, Kurtis Gubnitsky learned a lot about how plants can be used as a way to create fuel or energy. For example, corn can be grown and made into bioenergy for transportation fuels or electricity, notes Kurtis Gubnitsky. According to Kurtis Gubnitsky, many people in some smaller scale operations have even converted their cars to accept biodiesel, which is made from used frialator oil.
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Posted by on October 25, 2013 in Athlete, Runner, Sports



Kurtis Gubnitsky: Learning Spanish Through Cultural Immersion

Cultural immersion is often considered one of the best ways to learn a new language. In order to learn Spanish, Kurtis Gubnitsky enrolled in a cultural and language immersion program at the University of Seville in Spain. Kurtis Gubnitsky found that this immersion program was extremely beneficial because it allowed him to better learn both the language and about Spanish culture. Learn more about the benefits of cultural and language immersion programs.

Better Language Learning

Immersion programs are widely known as a helpful way to learn a new language really well in a short period of time, says Kurtis Gubnitsky. Studies have shown that learning through immersion, which refers to only speaking and hearing the language that you are learning, is very advantageous in becoming fluent in a new language. Furthermore, immersion programs also have the potential to improve your learning skills overall, says Kurtis Gubnitsky.

Increased Awareness of Diversity

By enrolling in an immersion program for both language and culture, students increase their awareness of diversity. Kurtis Gubnitsky learned a lot about the culture of Spain during his time at the University of Seville, and it really opened his eyes to learning more about many different cultures across the globe.

More Job Opportunities

Finally, as more and more aspects of our economy become globalized, learning a second language is viewed as a huge benefit at many companies. If you are fluent or near fluent in a language other than English, you will have significantly more job opportunities and be considered a top candidate, says Kurtis Gubnitsky. To determine what language will benefit you the most, check out job listings for fields you are interested in and see what languages they are looking for, advises Kurtis Gubnitsky.

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Posted by on September 27, 2013 in Athlete, Runner, Sports



The Rewards of Working With Children: Kurtis Gubnitsky

Working with children is something that Kurtis Gubnitsky has always valued. When choosing community service projects and charities to work with during high school, Kurtis Gubnitsky always chose to help kids. Kurtis Gubnitsky has helped with the Invisible Children charity, the Kids in Distress Program, and the Children’s Home Society. In addition to working with these charitable organizations, Kurtis Gubnitsky has also been a camp counselor at Temple Beth Emet and taught lacrosse to younger students at his school. Here’s why Kurtis Gubnitsky loves to work with kids.

  • Helping Those Who Need It: One of the best reasons to work with children is because they are frequently the ones who need it most. Children who face bad situations at home or kidnapping during war do not have anyone to advocate for them, reminds Kurtis Gubnitsky. That means that someone else, such as a charity, needs to do the advocating. By helping out these charities, you are making an important contribution to society, says Kurtis Gubnitsky.
  • Being a Role Model: Working with children is also great because you get to serve as a role model. Whether you help foster kids or teach lacrosse, the children that you work with will be searching for a role model.  You will be able to serve as that role model and create a positive influence in their lives, says Kurtis Gubnitsky.
  • Having Fun With Kids: Finally, working with kids means having fun with kids! As a camp counselor and lacrosse coach, Kurtis Gubnitsky was able to both work with kids and enjoy his other passion – athletics.
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Posted by on September 24, 2013 in Athlete, Runner, Sports



Kurtis Gubnitsky on Renewable Energy

Renewable energy has always been something that Kurtis Gubnitsky finds extremely important for the environment and the future. As an intern at PetroAlgae, a renewable energy company, Kurtis Gubnitsky learned much about the importance of renewable energy. Renewable energy keeps our planet safe and can even be a boost to the economy. Learn more about why Kurtis Gubnitsky finds renewable energy so imperative to our society.

Saving the Environment

First, renewable energy is important because it helps save the environment. Renewable energy is considered “clean” because it has significantly less impact on the environment, meaning that it does not waste energy or resources on our planet. Kurtis Gubnitsky believes that renewable energy should be a priority in the United States.

Protecting the Future

By saving the environment, renewable energy protects the future. While resources on the Earth could eventually be depleted, renewable energy will always be able to be renewed and reused. If we focus on renewable energy, we can keep our planet safe from environmental harm and ensure a future for ourselves and our children. Kurtis Gubnitsky is a strong supporter of focusing on renewable energy now to make sure there is a later.

Creating Jobs

Finally, renewable energy is also excellent for the economy, reminds Kurtis Gubnitsky. Renewable energy in the U.S. is created here, not imported like other energy sources. Building more facilities for renewable energy in this country will bring jobs, and it will also boost the economy. Along with keeping the environment safe, boosting our economy is also very important to ensure a happy future, says Kurtis Gubnitsky.

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Posted by on September 21, 2013 in Athlete, Runner, Sports



Choosing a Charity: Kurtis Gubnitsky

As a high school student at the University School of Nova Southeastern University, Kurtis Gubnitsky became involved in many community service projects and charities. Many of the volunteer positions that Kurtis Gubnitsky held involved working with children. For example, Kurtis Gubnitsky volunteered at the Children’s Home Society and with Kids in Distress, both of which help children who need adoptive or foster homes. Kurtis Gubnitsky also became involved with Invisible Children in the 11th and 12th grades, a charity that works to rescue children in Central Africa who have been abducted, abused, and forced to become soldiers.

When it comes to charity and volunteer work, Kurtis Gubnitsky clearly finds working with children to be the most rewarding type of service to provide. When choosing a charity to work with, it is beneficial to choose one that you care about. Learn more about how to choose a charity with these tips from Kurtis Gubnitsky.

  • Find Your Passion: As Kurtis Gubnitsky found his passion with helping children; you should choose a charity that you also feel strongly about. This will provide you with more motivation to help out.
  • Do Your Research: Before donating to a charity, you should always do your research. Ensure that your money is going to a cause that you agree with as well as one that is registered with the IRS.
  • Don’t Just Donate: Finally, don’t just donate! Performing volunteer work as well as donating money is an even more rewarding experience, as Kurtis Gubnitsky has found.
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Posted by on September 18, 2013 in Athlete, Runner, Sports



Kurtis Gubnitsky Has Played Soccer Since Childhood

Childhood soccer teams are a common experience for many kids. For Kurtis Gubnitsky, childhood soccer was where he discovered his passion for sports. Kurtis Gubnitsky began playing soccer in kindergarten on the Cooper City Soccer team. Kurtis Gubnitsky stayed on that team through the 9th grade. Once he entered high school at the University School of Nova Southeastern University, Kurtis Gubnitsky joined the junior varsity soccer team and played during the 9th and 10th grades.

During his soccer playing career as a child and teenager, Kurtis Gubnitsky played in many different games and tournaments. Kurtis Gubnitsky played in the AYSO REGION 644 as well as the Insects Div in 1999. In addition, Kurtis Gubnitsky played Cooper City Optimist Cobra Soccer from 2001-2002 and Cooper City Cobra Soccer from 2002-2003. Finally, Kurtis Gubnitsky and his team placed first in the Cooper City Optimist Boys Div during 2004-2005. Kurtis Gubnitsky has always loved playing soccer and enjoyed competing.

Playing soccer as a child introduced Kurtis Gubnitsky to his love of sports. In high school, Kurtis Gubnitsky went on to play lacrosse and football along with running cross country and track and field. Childhood soccer teams are a great way for any kids to get involved in his or her community and to learn how much fun athletics can be. Furthermore, playing soccer allows children to make new friends and to learn to work as a team, which is a valuable skill for them to have as they grow and develop into young adults.

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Posted by on September 13, 2013 in Athlete, Runner, Sports



Community Service With Kurtis Gubnitsky

Kurtis Gubnitsky

Kurtis Gubnitsky in Costa Rica

During high school, Kurtis Gubnitsky took part in many community service and charity projects. Kurtis Gubnitsky particularly values working with children, which he was able to do through the Invisible Children charity, working with Kids in Distress, and volunteering at the Children’s Home Society. Kurtis Gubnitsky believes that giving back to your community is important for any teenager who is developing into a responsible, wholesome young adult.

It Helps Others

The most important reason to take part in community service is because it helps others. Kurtis Gubnitsky particularly values working with children because they are often left without a support system. Many children suffer abuse in the home and need to be placed in alternative housing. Along with helping children, working with any underserved community is always a valuable way to participate in community service.

It Makes You Feel Good

Participating in community service and aiding charities is also great because it makes you feel good, says Kurtis Gubnitsky. Helping others helps you to feel good about yourself because it gives you a sense of purpose. In addition, community service allows you to know that you are doing something that is both selfless and valuable with your time, reminds Kurtis Gubnitsky.

It Shows Your Integrity

Finally, community service is beneficial because it shows your integrity. You can list your community service and volunteer work on your college applications and resume to show that you are a well rounded individual, says Kurtis Gubnitsky. These accomplishments also prove your integrity and commitment to helping others. Community service is mutually beneficial for both you and your community, reminds Kurtis Gubnitsky.

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Posted by on September 10, 2013 in Athlete, Runner, Sports

